Bird Box Installation - Ford Park & Rotary Park

In response to the habitat loss due to the recent bushfires, a number of nesting boxes specifically designed for the Scared Kingfisher have been sent to Merimbula Rotary from Parkes Rotary for installation within the Merimbula area. The Sacred Kingfisher is a medium sized woodland bird that is found in mangroves, woodlands, forests and river valleys.

Male Sacred Kingfisher
Merimbula Rotary, in consultation with the Bega Valley Shire Council, selected a number of trees in Ford Park and Rotary Park for the installation of the 7 nesting boxes. The Council was very supportive of the initiative as it achieves a positive ecological outcome. The Council engaged the services of Dynamic Treeworks to assist Rotary in the installation process.
As you walk through both these public spaces, look out for the nesting boxes now permanently installed for the benefit of the area’s fauna for years to come.